By Denise Rivette
This morning Ryan Busse and Raph Graybill, Democratic candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, released the following statement:
“We congratulate Governor Gianforte and Lieutenant Governor Juras, and we wish them the best as they lead Montana in the years ahead.
It is a high honor to fight for the Montana we love and for a future worth handing down to our kids. We were inspired by the many Montanans whose lives and livelihoods have changed in recent years. We fought for freedom and privacy, for public lands, and for lower taxes. To all Montanans who supported us along the way: thank you. Getting your Montana back is still more important than ever.”
At 7:45 this morning, with 458 precincts fully reported and 264 precincts partially reported, Republican Gianforte had 60% (320,442) of the votes to Busse’s 38% (204,519). Kaiser Lieb, the Libertarian challenger, secured 2% (12,857) votes.
Montana Free Press reported last night that Gianforte was already celebrating his victory in their article: Gianforte Celebrates Victory in Campaign for Second Term